Preparing for Automechanika 2023! We’re already looking ahead to the summer here at Prosol. Why? Well, for one, we’re very excited to be heading back to the NEC in Birmingham for one of our all-time favourite industry shows. Automechanika 2023.

Running from 6-8th June, the show promises to be even bigger than last year, and Andy, Mark and Matt can’t wait to be back there.

Explains Matt: “We were buzzing for weeks after last year’s show. It was so good to be back in front of people, face-to-face after the pandemic lockdowns. Nothing beats meeting our clients in person and hundreds of people came to the stand over the three days we were there. We made some fantastic new contacts and saw lots of familiar faces too.

“We’re already working on our interactive new display stand for this year’s show. It is specifically designed to allow us to showcase our extensive EV product range alongside our globally accredited Fire Cloak Electric Vehicle Fire Blanket.”

Concludes Matt: “Prosol is the ultimate one-stop shop for workshop equipment, EV safety and MOT products, everything you need to make your business a success. That’s why we’re a ‘must visit’ stand again this year!”

You’ll find the Prosol UK team on Stand U92. Please add the dates to your diary and be sure to pop by and say hello!